From Stardust to Extrasolar Planets:

Dynamics of Exoplanetary and Solar System Bodies

Inverness and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Isle of Skye, Scotland

15 - 27 August 2022

Lecturers and Lecture Topics - Provisional

1. Celestial Mechanics Theories and Tools
  Name   Affiliation   Topic
Alessandra Celletti Università di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Italy Perturbation theories in Celestial Mechanics
Christos Efthymiopoulos University of Padua, Italy The usefulness of action-angle variables in Celestial Mechanics
Christos Efthymiopoulos University of Padua, Italy Homoclinic and heteroclinic chaos: from Poincaré to modern computer tools
Anne Lemaitre Universitie de Namur, Belgium Resonances: secondary resonances inside mean motion resonances
Bonnie Steves &
Winston Sweatman
Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland
Massey University, New Zealand
Fundamentals of regularisation theory

2. Star Dust and Solar System Bodies
  Name   Affiliation   Topic
Rudolf Dvorak University of Vienna, Austria From NEOs to TNOs: A journey through asteroids in our Solar System
Catalin Galeş University of Iaşi, Romania Dust and space debris
Giovanni Gronchi Università di Pisa, Italy Orbit determination for solar system bodies
Ettore Perozzi Italian Space Agency, Rome, Italy Near-Earth Objects: Observe, Predict and Protect
Dan Scheeres University of Colorado, USA Dynamics of Rubble Piles
Giovanni Valsecchi Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Italy The analytical theory of close encounters of small bodies and planets, with application to the NEA hazard (keyhole theory) and to the chaotic dynamics in the outer planetary region
Massimiliano Vasile University of Strathclyde, Scotland Asteroid manipulation / numerical methods for mission design to minor bodies 

3. Extrasolar Planets and Exoplanetary Systems
  Name   Affiliation   Topic
Martin Dominik University of St Andrews, Scotland Demographics of planets and planetary systems
Sylvio Ferraz-Mello Universidade de São Paolo, Brazil Tides and Exoplanets
Christiane Helling Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria Exoplanet atmosphere clouds
Ken Rice University of Edinburgh, Scotland Gravitationally unstable disks and direct formation of planets
Daphne Stam University of Delft, Netherlands Polarimetry for planet characterisation
Dimitri Veras University of Warwick, UK Celestial mechanics applications to post-main-sequence planetary systems
Peter Woitke Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria The theory of photochemical disk processes

[End of document, updated to 19-JUN-2022]