International List of Causes of Death, Revision 5 (1938)

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1 Typhoid fever 2 Paratyphoid fevers 3 Plague 4 Cholera 5 Undulant fever (brucellosis) 6 Cerebro-spinal (meningococcal) meningitis 7 Malignant pustule and anthrax 8 Scarlet fever 9 Whooping cough 10 Diphtheria 11 Erysipelas 12 Tetanus 13 13a Tuberculosis of the respiratory system with mention of occupational disease of lung 13b Tuberculosis of the respiratory system without mention of occupational disease of lung 13c Tuberculosis of unspecified site 14 Tuberculosis of the meninges and central nervous system 15 Tuberculosis of the intestines and peritoneum 16 Tuberculosis of the vertebral column 17 Tuberculosis of the other bones and joints 18 Tuberculosis of the skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue 19 Tuberculosis of the lymphatic system 20 Tuberculosis of the genito-urinary system 21 21a Addison's disease specified as tuberculous 21b Tuberculosis of other sites 22 22a Acute generalised miliary tuberculosis 22b Chronic generalised tuberculosis 22c Disseminated tuberculosis not distinguished as acute or chronic 23 Leprosy 24 24a Septicaemia 24b Pyaemia 24c Gas gangrene 24d Generalised infection by bacillus coli 25 Gonococcal infections 26 Other bacterial diseases (dysentery excepted) 27 27a Bacillary dysentery 27b Amoebic dysentery 27c Other protozoal dysentery 27d Other or unspecified forms of dysentery 28 Malaria 29 Other diseases due to parasitic protozoa except spirochaetes 30 30a Locomotor ataxia (tabes dorsalis) 30b General paralysis of the insane 30c Aneurysm of the aorta 30d 30da Congenital syphilis 30db Other or unspecified syphilis 30dc Other or unspecified syphilis 30dd Other or unspecified syphilis 31 Relapsing fever 32 32a Spirochactosis ictero-haemorrhagica (Weil's disease) 32b Other diseases due to spirochaetes 33 33a Influenza with respiratory complications 33a(1) Specified with pueumonic complications 33a(2) Specified with other respiratory complications 33b Influenza without respiratory complications 33b(1) Specified with non-respiratory complications 33b(2) Specified without stated complications 34 Smallpox 35 Measles 36 36(1) Acute poliomyelitis 36(2) Acute polioencephalitis 37 37a Acute lethargic (or epidemic) encephalitis 37b Sequelae of encephalitis lethargica 37c Unspecified lethargica 38 38a Yellow fever 38b Rabies 38c Herpes zoster 38d German measles 38e Varicella 38f Other diseases due to viruses 39 39a Louse-borne exanthematic typhus 39b Other or unspecified Typhus-like diseases 40 Ankylostomiasis 41 41a Hydatid disease of liver 41b Hydatid disease of other or unspecified organs 42 Other diseases due to helminths 43 Mycoses 44 44a Venereal diseases (other than syphilis and gonorrhoea) 44b Pernicious lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease) 44c Mumps 44d Other infective or parasitic diseases 45 45a Cancer of the lips 45b Cancer of the tongue 45c Cancer of other or unspecified parts of buccal cavity and pharynx 46 46a Cancer of the oesophagus 46b Cancer of the stomach and duodenum 46c Cancer of the intestines other than duodenum or rectum 46d Cancer of the rectum 46e Cancer of the liver and biliary passages 46f Cancer of the pancreas 46g Cancer of the peritoneum 46h Cancer of other or unspecified digestive organs 47 47a Cancer of the larynx and trachea 47b Cancer of the lung and pleura 47c Cancer of unspecified respiratory organs 48 48a Cancer of the uterus specified as cancer of cervix 48b Other or unspecified cancer of the uterus 49 Cancer of other female genital organs 50 Cancer of the breast 51 51a Cancer of the scrotum 51b Cancer of the prostate 51c Cancer of other or unspecified male genital organs 52 Cancer of the urinary organs 53 Cancer of the skin (scrotum excepted) 54 54a Glioma (not specified as benign) 54b Sarcoma 54c Other or unspecified forms of cancer of the brain and other parts of the nervous system 55 55a Cancer of the adrenal glands 55b Cancer of the bones 55c Cancer of the thyroid gland 55d 55d(1) Cancer of the nose or nasal cavity 55d(2) Cancer of other unspecified organs 56 Non-malignant tumours 56a Of the ovaries 56b Of the uterus 56c Of other female genital organs 56d Of the brain and other parts of the nervous system 56e Of other and unspecified organs 57 Tumours of undetermined nature 57a Of the ovaries 57b Of the uterus 57c Of other female genital organs 57d Of the brain and other parts of the nervous system 57e Of other and unspecified organs 58 58a Acute rheumatic pericarditis 58b Acute rheumatic endocarditis 58c Acute rheumatic myocarditis 58d Other rheumatic fever 59 59a Rheumatoid arthritis 59b Other chronic articular rheumatism 59c Other forms of chronic rheumatism 60 Gout 61 Diabetes mellitus 62 Diseases of the pituitary gland 62(1) Hyperpituitarism 62(2) Hypopituitarism 62(3) Other diseases of the pituitary gland 63 63a Simple goitre 63b Exophthalmic goitre 63c Myxoedema and cretinism 63d Other diseases of the thyroid gland 63e Diseases of the parathyroid glands 64 Diseases of the thymus (including status lymphaticus) 65 65a Addison's disease, not specified as tuberculous 65b Other diseases of the adrenal glands (not specified as tuberculous) 66 66a Osteomalacia 66b 66b(1) "Pink" disease 66b(2) Idiopathic steatorrhoea 66b(3) Other general diseases 67 67a Infantile scurvy (Barlow's disease) (under 1) 67b Other forms of scurvy 68 Beri-beri 69 Pellagra 70 Rickets 71 Other vitamin deficiency disease 72 72a Primary purpura 72b Haemophilia 72c Other haemorrhagic conditions 73 73a Pernicious anaemia 73b Other hyperchromic anaemias 73c Hypochromic anaemias 73d Other anaemias 74 74a Leukaemia 74b Aleukaemia 75 75a Splenic anaemia 75b Banti's disease 75c Other diseases of the spleen 76 76a Agranulocytosis 76b Erythrocytosis 76c Haemoglobinaemia 76d Other diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 77 Alcoholism (ethylism) 78 78a Lead poisoning specified as occupational 78b Lead poisoning not specified as occupational 79 79a Occupational poisoning (not lead) 79b 79ba Poisoning by narcotics 79bb Poisoning by soporifics 79c Other non-occupational chronic poisoning 79d Unspecified poisoning 80 80a Intra-cranial abscess 80b Other encephalitis (non-epidemic) 81 Meningitis (non-meningococcal) 82 82(1) Motor neurone disease 82(2) Sub-acute combined degeneration 82(3) Myelitis of unstated origin 82(4) Other diseases of the medulla and spinal cord 83 83a Cerebral haemorrhage 83b Cerebral embolism, thrombosis and softening 83c Cerebral embolism, thrombosis and softening 83d Hemiplegia and other paralyses of unstated origin 83e Other intra-cranial effusions 84 84a Mental deficiency 84b Schizophrenia (dementia praecox) 84c Manic-depressive psychosis 84d Other mental disorders 85 Epilepsy 86 Convulsions in children under 5 years of age 87 87a Chorea 87b Neuritis (non-rheumatic) 87c Paralysis agitans 87d Disseminated sclerosis 87e 87e(1) Convulsions of undetermined origin (ages 5 and over) 87e(2) Other diseases of the nervous system 88 Diseases of the organs of vision 89 89a Otitis and other diseases of the ear (without mention of mastoid disease) 89b Diseases of the mastoid antrum 90 90a Chronic pericarditis specified as rheumatic 90b Other pericarditis 91 91a Acute or sub-acute bacterial endocarditis 91b Acute or sub-acute bacterial endocarditis 91c Other acute and sub-acute endocarditis 92 Chronic endocarditis 92a Aortic valvular disease (without mitral disease) 92b 92b(1) Mitral valve disease 92b(2) Other specified valvular diseases (including sequelae of rheumatic fever) 92c Unspecified valvular lesions or endocarditis 93 Myocardial disease 93a Acute myocarditis 93b Chronic myocarditis specified as rheumatic 93c 93c(1) Cardio-vascular degeneration 93c(2) Myocardial degeneration described as fatty 93c(3) Other myocardial degeneration 93d Myocarditis not distinguished as acute or chronic 94 94a Diseases of the coronary arteries 94b Angina pectoris without mention of coronary disease 95 95a Functional heart disease (without mention of organic lesion) 95b Heart disease specified as rheumatic but otherwise ill-defined 95c Other diseases of the heart 96 Aneurysm (except of the heart and aorta) 97 Arteriosclerosis (excluding coronary or renal sclerosis or cerebral haemorrhage) 98 Gangrene 99 Other diseases of the arteries 100 Diseases of the veins 100a Varices 100b Other diseases of the veins 101 Diseases of the lymphatic system 102 High blood pressure (Idiopathic) 103 Other diseases of the circulatory system 104 Diseases of the nasal fossae and annexa 105 Diseases of the larynx 106 Bronchitis 106a Acute bronchitis 106b Chronic bronchitis 106c Bronchitis not distinguished as acute or chronic 107 Broncho-pneumonia 107(1) With mention of influenza as a contributory or secondary cause 107(2) Without mention of influenza 108 Lobar pneumonia 108(1) With mention of influenza as a contributory or secondary cause 108(2) Without mention of influenza 109 Pneumonia (unspecified) 109(1) With mention of influenza as a contributory or secondary cause 109(2) Without mention of influenza 110 110a Empyema 110b Other or unspecified forms of pleurisy 111 111a Haemorrhagic infarction of lung 111b Acute oedema of lung 111c Chronic or unspecified congestion of lung 112 Asthma 112(1) With influenza as a contributory or secondary cause 112(2) With chronic endocarditis (92) as a contributory or secondary cause 112(3) With myocardial disease (93) as a contributory or secondary cause 112(4) With arteriosclerosis (97) as a contributory or secondary cause 112(5) With chronic nephritis (131) as a contributory or secondary cause 112(6) Without any of the complications here specified in 112(1)-112(5) 113 Pulmonary emphysema 114 114a Silicosis and other occupational pneumoconioses 114b Other occupational respiratory disease 114c Gangrene of lung 114d Abscess of lung 114e 114e(1) Chronic interstitial pneumonia not indicated as occupational 114e(2) Other diseases of the respiratory system not specified as occupational 115 115a Diseases of the teeth and gums 115b 115b(1) Septic sore throat with mention of tonsillectomy 115b(2) Septic sore throat with mention of tonsils 115b(3) Other septic sore throat 115c 115c(1) Other diseases of the pharynx and tonsils with mention of tonsillectomy 115c(2) Other diseases of the pharynx and tonsils with mention of tonsils 115c(3) Other diseases of the pharynx and tonsils 115d Other diseases of the buccal cavity and annexa, and of the pharynx and tonsils 116 Diseases of the oesophagus 117 117a Ulcer of the stomach 117b Ulcer of the duodenum 118 Diseases of the stomach 118(1) Inflammation of the stomach 118(2) Other diseases of the stomach 119 119a Enteritis and diarrhoea without mention of ulceration (under 2 years of age) 119b Ulceration of the intestines (except duodenum) (under 2 years of age) 120 120a Enteritis and diarrhoea without mention of ulceration 120b Ulceration of the intestines (except duodenum) 121 Appendicitis 121(1) Without mention of intestinal obstruction 121(2) With mention of intestinal obstruction 122 122a Hernia 122b 122b(1) Intussusception 122b(2) Paralytic ileus without stated cause 122b(3) Other or unspecified forms of intestinal obstruction 123 Diseases of the intestines 123a Diverticulitis 123b Other diseases of the intestines 124 Cirrhosis of the liver 124a With mention of alcoholism 124b Without mention of alcoholism 125 125a Acute yellow atrophy (not associated with pregnancy) 125b Other diseases of the liver 126 Biliary calculi 127 127a Cholecystitis without record of biliary calculi 127b Other diseases of the gall bladder and bile ducts 128 Diseases of the pancreas (other than diabetes) 129 Peritonitis without stated cause 130 Acute nephritis 131 Chronic nephritis 131a Secondary to acute nephritis 131b Arteriosclerotic kidney 131c Not otherwise specified 132 Nephritis not stated to be acute or chronic (over 10 years of age) 133 133a Pyelitis, Pyelonephritis, Pyelocystitis 133b Other diseases of the kidneys and ureters 134 134a Calculi of kidneys and ureters 134b Calculi of the bladder 134c Calculi of unstated site 135 Diseases of the bladder 135a Cystitis 135b Other diseases of the bladder 136 Diseases of the urethra 136a Stricture of the urethra 136b Other diseases of the urethra, etc. 137 Diseases of the prostate 137a Hypertrophy of prostate 137b Other diseases of the prostate 138 Diseases of other male genital organs 139 Diseases of the female genital organs 139a 139a(1) Diseases of the ovaries 139a(2) Diseases of the Fallopian tubes 139a(3) Diseases of the parametria 139b Diseases of the uterus 139c Diseases of the breast 139d Other diseases of the female genital organs 140 Post-abortive infection 140a Spontaneous, therapeutic or of unspecified origin 140aa With mention of pyelitis 140ab Without mention of pyelitis 140b Induced for reasons other than therapeutic 140ba By the woman herself 14Obb By other persons 140bc By persons unknown or unstated 141 Abortion without mention of septic conditions 141a Spontaneous, therapeutic or of unspecified origin 141aa With record of haemorrhage, trauma or shock 141aa(1) With toxaemia of pregnancy preceding abortion 141aa(2) With other conditions included under 141aa 141ab Without record of haemorrhage, trauma or shock 141ab(1) With toxaemia of pregnancy preceding abortion 141ab(2) With other conditions included under 141ab 141b Induced for reasons other than therapeutic 141ba By the woman herself 141bb By other persons 141bc By persons unknown or unstated 142 Ectopic gestation 143 143a Placenta praevia 143b Premature separation of placenta and other accidental haemorrhage 143c Other and unspecified haemorrhages of pregnancy 144 144a Eclampsia of pregnancy 144b Albuminuria and nephritis of pregnancy 144c Acute yellow atrophy of liver associated with pregnancy 144d Other toxaemias of pregnancy 145 Other diseases and accidents of pregnancy 146 146a Placenta praevia (with childbirth) 146b Premature separation of placenta (with childbirth) 146c Other haemorrhages of childbirth 146d Other haemorrhages after childbirth 147 147a General or local puerperal infections with mention of pyelitis 147b General or local puerperal infections without mention of pyelitis 147c Puerperal thrombophlebitis 147d Puerperal embolism and sudden death 148 148a Puerperal eclampsia 148b Puerperal albuminuria and nephritis 148c Acute yellow atrophy of liver (post-partum) 148d Other puerperal toxaemias 149 149a Laceration, rupture or other trauma of pelvic organs (without mention of haemorrhage) 149b Other accidents of childbirth 150 150a Mastitis during the puerperium and lactation 150b Puerperal psychoses 150c Other conditions of childbirth and the puerperal state 151 Carbuncle, Boils 152 Cellulitis, Acute abscess 153 Other diseases of the skin and cellular tissue 154 Osteomyelitis and periostitis 155 Other diseases of the bones 156 156a Diseases of the joints 156b 156b(1) Diseases of muscles 156b(2) Other diseases of other organs of movement 157 157a Congenital hydrocephalus 157b Spina bifida and meningocele 157c Congenital malformation of heart 157d Monstrosities 157e Congenital pyloric stenosis 157f Cleft palate, Harelip 157g Imperforate anus 157h Cystic disease of kidney 157i 157ia Congenital malformations of the central nervous system 157ib Congenital malformations of the circulatory system 157ic Congenital malformations of the digestive system 157id Congenital malformations of the genito-urinary system 157ie Other stated malformations 157j Congenital malformations (unspecified) 158 Congenital debility 159 Premature birth 160 160a Intra-cranial or spinal haemorrhage due to injury at birth 160b Other intra-cranial or spinal injuries at birth 160c Other birth injuries 161 161a Asphyxia during or after birth, Atelectasis 161b Intoxication due to maternal toxaemia 161c 16lc(1) Infections of the umbilicus 161c(2) Pemphigus neonatorum 161c(3) Other or unspecified infections of the newborn 161d Melaena neonatorum 161e 161e(1) Haemolytic diseases of the newborn 161e(2) Other specified diseases peculiar to the first year of life 162 162a Old age 162b Senility with mention of senile dementia 162c Senility without mention of senile dementia 163 163a 163aa Suicide by poisoning by corrosive substances 163ab 163ab(1) Suicide by poisoning by analgesic drugs 163ab(2) Suicide by poisoning by narcotic drugs 163ac Suicide by poisoning by soporific drugs 163ad Suicide by poisoning by other solid or liquid poisons 163b 163ba Suicide by poisoning by coal gas 163bb Suicide by poisoning by motor exhaust gas 163bc Suicide by poisoning by other poisonous gas 164 164a Suicide by hanging or strangulation 164b Suicide by drowning 164c Suicide by firearms and explosives 164d Suicide by cutting or piercing instruments 164e Suicide by jumping from high places 164f 164fa Suicide by crushing on railways 164fb Other suicide by crushing 164g Suicide by other or unspecified means 165 Infanticide (infants under 1 year) 166 Homicide by firearms 167 Homicide by cutting or piercing instruments 168 Homicide by other or unspecified means 169 Railway accidents (any cause of death except war) 170 Motor vehicle accidents (any cause of death except war) 170a Collisions with trains 170b Collisions with trams 170c Other motor vehicle accidents 171 171a Tramway accidents on roads (any cause of death except war) 171b Other road transport accidents (any cause of death except war) 172 Water transport accidents (any cause of death except war) 173 Air transport accidents (any cause of death except war) 174 Accidents in mines and quarries (any cause of death except war) 175 175a Accidents from farm, etc. machinery and vehicles 175b 175ba Injury by venomous animals 175bb Injury by other animals 175c Other agricultural and forestry accidents (any cause of death except war) 176 Accidents caused by machinery (any cause of death) 177 Food poisoning 178 Accidental absorption of poisonous gas 179 Other acute accidental poisoning 180 Conflagration 181 Accidental burns (conflagration excepted) 182 Accidental mechanical suffocation 183 Accidental drowning 184 Accidental injury by firearms 185 Accidental injury by cutting or piercing instruments 186 Accidental injury by fall, crushing, landslide, etc. 187 Cataclysm (any cause of death) 188 Injury by animals 189 Hunger or thirst 190 Excessive cold 191 Excessive heat 192 Lightning 193 Other accidents due to electric currents 194 Attack by venomous animals 195 195a 195a(1) Vaccinia 195a(2) Other sequelae of vaccination against smallpox 195b 195ba Anaesthetic accidents 195bb Other accidents due to medical or surgical intervention 195c Lack of care of the newborn 195d Other and unspecified accidents 196 Deaths of persons in military service during operations at war 197 Deaths of civilians due to operations of war 198 Legal executions 199 Sudden death 200 200a 200a(1) Heart failure 200a(2) Other ill-defined causes 200b Found dead, cause unknown 200c Other deaths from unknown or unspecified cause
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[End of document, updated to 8 May 2001]