International Classification of Diseases, Revision 8 (1965)
List P: List of 100 causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality

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(P1-P4) Chronic circulatory and genito-urinary disease in mother P 1 Chronic rheumatic heart disease 760.0 P 2 Chronic hypertension 760.2 P 3 Other chronic disease of circulatory system 760.1,760.3 P 4 Chronic disease of genito-urinary system 760.4-760.5 (P5-P11) Other maternal conditions unrelated to pregnancy P 5 Syphilis 761.0 P 6 Diabetes mellitus 761.1 P 7 Rubella 761.3 P 8 Injury to mother 761.5 P 9 Operation of mother 761.6 P 10 Chemical substances transmitted through placenta 761.7 P 11 Other maternal conditions / 761.2,761.4 \ 761.9 (P12-P17) Toxaemias of pregnancy P 12 Renal disease arising during pregnancy 762.0 P 13 Pre-eclampsia of pregnancy 762.1 P 14 Eclampsia of pregnancy 762.2 P 15 Toxaemia unspecified 762.3 P 16 Hyperemesis gravidarum 762.4 P 17 Other toxaemia of pregnancy 762.5,762.9 (P18-P20) Maternal ante- and intrapartum infection P 18 Pyelitis and pyelonephritis of pregnancy 763.0 P 19 Other infections of genito-urinary tract during pregnancy 763.1 P 20 Other 763.9 (P21-P23) Difficult labour with abnormality of bones, organs or tissues of pelvis P 21 With birth injury to brain or spinal cord 764.0-764.1 P 22 With other or unspecified birth injury 764.2-764.3 P 23 Without mention of birth injury 764.4,764.9 (P24-P26) Difficult labour with disproportion P 24 With birth injury to brain or spinal cord 765.0-765.1 P 25 With other or unspecified birth injury 765.2-765.3 P 26 Without mention of birth injury 765.4,765.9 (P27-P29) Difficult labour with malposition of foetus P 27 With birth injury to brain or spinal cord 766.1-766.2 P 28 With other or unspecified birth injury 766.2-766.3 P 29 Without mention of birth injury 766.4,766.9 (P30-P32) Difficult labour with abnormality of forces of labour P 30 With birth injury to brain or spinal cord 767.0-767.1 P 31 With other or unspecified birth injury 767.2-767.3 P 32 Without mention of birth injury 767.4,767.9 (P33-P35) Difficult labour with other and unspecified complications P 33 With birth injury to brain or spinal cord 768.0-768.1 P 34 With other or unspecified birth injury 768.2-768.3 P 35 Without mention of birth injury 768.4,768.9 (P36-P41) Other complications of pregnancy and child-birth P 36 Incompetent cervix 769.0 P 37 Premature rupture of membranes 769.1 P 38 Hydramnios 769.2 P 39 Ectopic pregnancy 769.3 P 40 Multiple pregnancy 769.4 P 41 Other complications of pregnancy or child-birth 769.5,769.9 (P42-P46) Conditions of placenta P 42 Placenta praevia 770.0 P 43 Premature separation of placenta 770.1 P 44 Placental infection 770.2 P 45 Other conditions of placenta 770.8 P 46 Placental insufficiency, unspecified 770.9 (P47-P49) Conditions of umbilical cord P 47 Compression of cord 771.0 P 48 Prolapse of cord without mention of compression 771.1 P 49 Other 771.9 (P50-P52) Birth injury without mention of cause P 50 To brain or spinal cord 772.0-772.1 P 51 Other or unspecified birth injury 772.2,772.9 P 52 Termination of pregnancy without mention of cause 773 (P53-P56) Haemolytic disease of newborn P 53 With Rh incompatibility 774.0,775.0 P 54 With ABO incompatibility 774.1,775.1 P 55 With other or unspecified blood incompatibility 774.2,775.2 P 56 Without mention of cause 774.9,775.9 (P57-P60) Anoxic and hypoxic conditions not elsewhere classified P 57 Hyaline membrane disease and respiratory distress syndrome 776.1-776.2 P 58 Intra-uterine anoxia 776.4 P 59 Asphyxia of newborn, unspecified 776.9 P 60 Other anoxic and hypoxic conditions not elsewhere classified 776.0,776.3 (P61-P68) Other conditions of foetus and newborn P 61 Immaturity, unqualified 777 P 62 Foetal blood loss before birth 778.0 P 63 Post-maturity 778.1 P 64 Haemorrhagic disease of newborn 778.2 P 65 Cold injury syndrome 778.3 P 66 Other conditions of foetus 778.9 P 67 Maceration 779.0 P 68 Other foetal death of unknown cause 779.9 (P69-P80) Congenital anomalies P 69 Anencephalus 740 P 70 Spina bifida 741 P 71 Congenital hydrocephalus 742 P 72 Other congenital anomalies of central nervous system and eye 743-744 P 73 Congenital anomalies of circulatory system 746-747 P 74 Congenital anomalies of respiratory system 748 P 75 Congenital anomalies of digestive system 749-751 P 76 Congenital anomalies of genito-urinary system 752-753 P 77 Congenital anomalies of musculoskeletal system 754-756 P 78 Down's disease 759.3 P 79 Other congenital syndromes affecting multiple systems / 759.0-759.2 \ 759.4-759.9 P 80 Other and unspecified congenital anomalies / 745 \ 757-758 (P81-P88) Infections of foetus and newborn P 81 Diarrhoeal disease 009 P 82 Listeriosis 027.0 P 83 Tetanus 037 P 84 Septicaemia 038 P 85 Viral diseases 040-079 P 86 Congenital syphilis 090 P 87 Toxoplasmosis 130 P 88 Other infective and parasitic diseases Remainder of 000-136 (P89-P94) Other diseases of foetus and newborn P 89 Diseases of thyroid gland 240-246 P 90 Cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) 273.0 P 91 Diseases of blood and blood-forming organs 280-289 P 92 Pneumonia 480-486 P 93 Other specified conditions Remainder of 140-738 P 94 Symptoms and ill-defined conditions 780-796 (P95-P100) External causes of injury to newborn P 95 Excessive heat E900 P 96 Excessive cold E901 P 97 Hunger, thirst, exposure and neglect E904 P 98 Inhalation and ingestion of food causing obstruction or suffocation E911 P 99 Accidental mechanical suffocation E913 P100 Other external causes Remainder of E800-E999
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[End of document, updated to 30 May 2001]